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Many years ago I dreamed of being independent and free to organise myself and follow what I really wanted to do.  Today I am realising that dream, but I had to take that first step ... to start.

I made a start a few years ago creating a part-time income after my day-job, and am I glad I did, for the world of work has been changing, and is ever accelerating today with automation and robots.

Who would have thought the cashier at a supermarket and grocery store would be automated with self-serve (amazing) and what about robots answering legal questions and here in Australia, answering students questions at a University late in the night.  Certainly great leaps in productivity for the organisations and their shareholders, but there is an impact on jobs.

So becoming an independent worker now means I am in control, and not working for a boss who can think reducing staff numbers is a good way to increase the "bottom line".

I have taken action to now be independent.

Let us remember that when we take action,
an invisible force gathers all around us,
pulling in opportunities that align with our purpose,
propelling us with momentum to our freedom.
~ The Motivation Manifesto Brendon Burchard

Hi, I am Warren, a Director and Internet Business Training Consultant for

If your career and work has recently changed, I hope my Today, Tomorrow and Future pages are helpful.  They are written from my experience and learnings and I suppose you can say they are tested.

Is now the time to consider a supplementary 'arm' to your financial planning? or retirement planning? Maybe protect your financial position from change, which is important if you are retired these days. 

Or perhaps you are contemplating a career transition, or maybe you are "between jobs", perhaps a redundancy.

Whatever your situation, being an Independent Worker and having an Internet business built around what you love to do, your passion, is a wonderful idea.

Maybe your idea, your passion could become full time like many others.  A solopreneur, maybe a small business or larger.

Imagine being in control, independent and the boss of your own enterprise.

Imagine being shown where to start, how to do it, and have all your questions answered, walking side-by-side with you.  Or finding out how to start, then Do It Yourself (DIY style) and get assistance only when you need it.

If you have a question about coping with redundancy or career change, or want to know how GreenDoorIDEAS can accelerate your move from an IDEA to a reality as an independent worker with a legitimate work at home job or business, then simply use the form below.

I will personally confidentially answer your questions.

The very best regards,

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